You’re in charge.

MyTek Butler Essentials – Promoting IT Happiness

You direct when to leverage MyTek Butler. Mytek Butler Essentials provides you with the basic tools your IT professional needs to manage the business technology environment successfully.

Case Studies & Testimonials

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We share it.

MyTek Butler Enhanced – Partnering to Deliver IT Happiness

MyTek proactively manages your core technology. You handle what you’re comfortable with and leave the rest to us. Butler Enhanced provides all the services offered in Butler Essentials with additional services on top.

Case Studies & Testimonials

Relax. We’ve got it all covered.

MyTek Butler Ultimate – Guaranteeing IT Happiness Daily

With Butler Ultimate, MyTek assumes the responsibility to manage your technology from a proactive, reactive and strategic standpoint. In addition to the services offered in our Essentials and Enhanced programs and them more added for a complete coverage.

Case Studies & Testimonials

Cloud IT Hosting Services for Growing Arizona Businesses

MyTek – Hosting

Ready for a Modern Business Solution? Let Us Take Your Business Safely and Securely Into the Cloud.

Case Studies & Testimonials

IT & Cybersecurity Articles

Need more in depth knowledge about IT and Cybersecurity? You can find what you need here.

Your server takes care of running so many different aspects of your day to day operations, so it is super important to …

Understanding GDPR

In April of 2016, the European Union Parliament and Council voted to replace Data Protection Directive.

Understanding Automation

The strategic use of automation allows us to protect your business from harm. Business technology is the bane of the modern worker.

Understanding Ransomware

What You Need to Know About the Malware that Hits Your Data, and Then Your Wallet.

Understanding Shadow IT

Unauthorized software can be a major pain for network administrators.


Our goal is to reinvent the managed IT experience for growing Arizona businesses through a partnership with no long-term commitments, technology options that are flexible to meet your needs and infrastructure and strategy that position your technology as a competitive advantage.

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