Happy Global Recycling Day! Here Are 4 Recycling Tips To Help Limit Your Carbon Footprint

Global Recycling Day comes around every year and is here to remind us of the materials that can be recycled and reused in everyday life. When it comes to carbon footprints, it’s important to know how much waste your business is contributing how you can reduce it. Today, we’ll be discussing business recycling tips, so you can improve.

What is a Carbon Footprint?

Basically, a carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that a business generates each year (including carbon dioxide and methane). This can be a super hard number to calculate because of the factors you have to think about, like:

  • Utilities (electricity and heat)
  • Transportation (Vehicle costs, air travel, and rail travel)
  • Shipment costs
  • Emissions associated with business events (Travel and the venue)
  • Emissions generated by the supply chains (Business procurement)

While it can be really hard to calculate your business’ carbon footprint, there are some calculators online to help. Regardless of the ultimate tally, it’s important to takes steps to reduce yours either way. Here are some ways.

How to Reduce Your Business’ Carbon Footprint

There are so many ways including some awesome business recycling tips and tricks.

Check Up on Your Suppliers’ Processes

Do you know how your suppliers conduct business? Supply chains actually can cause a to of emissions, so you may want to consolidate as much as you possibly can. Inquire with your suppliers about ways you can limit your emissions and so some research on what can be boiled down and combined.

Introduce Change in the Workplace

Your business might be using more energy than you think. Take a moment to think of all the waste your business produces and how you can switch over to green options. This might be your appliances, lighting, single-use plastic or packaging, adding in more recycle bins, teaching your team about recycling your office supplies and more. Even just swapping out a few break room essentials can change your carbon footprint immensely.

Adopt Remote Work Policies and Capabilities

Travel is one of the biggest segments of carbon footprints, so if you are able to reduce or even eliminate commute, you can lower your number. Remote work and telecommuting, even for just a few days each week, can make a huge difference.

We Must Care About The Environment

There are so many ways to optimize your natural resources, and MyTek can help. Need more recycling tips and tricks? Give us a call at 623-312-2440.

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